Archbishop’s statement on the appointment of Fr. Martin Hayes as Bishop of Kilmore

Statement from Archbishop Kieran O’Reilly on the appointment of Fr. Martin Hayes as Bishop of Kilmore

I warmly welcome the announcement today that Pope Francis has appointed Father Martin Hayes, Diocesan Director for Pastoral Planning and Development in the Archdiocese of Cashel and Emly as Bishop of Kilmore.

Father Martin a native of Two-Mile-Borris, studied Philosophy and Theology at St. Patrick’s College, Thurles. Since his ordination as a priest in 1989, Father Martin has served the Archdiocese of Cashel and Emly with great commitment and dedication – as a member of the Staff of St. Patrick’s College, Thurles and as Administrator of the Cathedral of the Assumption,  for fifteen years.

Three years ago, Fr. Martin took over the challenging and important position of Diocesan Director for Pastoral Planning and Development. A role that he has worked at with great dedication and skill.

Father Martin’s departure from the Diocese and journey northwards to the diocese of Kilmore leaves a deep void. His contribution to the diocese has been very significant. We will certainly miss him, but we are also very proud of his achievements and new appointment. Today, is an historic and great day for the Archdiocese of Cashel and Emly, to see one of our own, with his gifts and potential, recognised by Pope Francis and the Church.

On a personal level, Father Martin has been a tremendous support to me since my appointment to the Archdiocese in November 2014. He has been of great assistance when he served as the Administrator of the Cathedral of the Assumption in Thurles and subsequently as Director for Pastoral Planning and Development.

I have every confidence that he will fulfil his new ministry as chief shepherd of Diocese of Kilmore with the same dedication and commitment that has characterised the years of his priestly life. Father Martin can be assured of the prayers and good wishes, of the entire Cashel and Emly family.

I would like to express my congratulations to his family – brothers and sisters, friends and neighbours.

May St. Ailbe, St. Felim, St. Patrick and St. Brigid guide him in his new ministry.


Archbishop Kieran O’Reilly is Archbishop of Cashel & Emly.