Garda Vetting  

Archdiocese of Cashel & Emly Garda Vetting

Please send all Vetting Forms and queries to

Who needs to be Vetted May 2021

Vetting Policy and Procedures updated 2020

The National Vetting Bureau (Children & Vulnerable Persons) Acts 2012-2016 provide a statutory basis for the vetting of persons carrying out relevant work with children or vulnerable persons.  The Act stipulates that a relevant organisation shall not permit any person to undertake relevant work or activities on behalf of the organisation unless the organisation receives a vetting DISCLOSURE from the National Vetting Bureau in respect of that person.

Garda Vetting is conducted on behalf of registered organisations only and is not conducted for individual persons on a personal basis.

Garda Vetting Forms:

Please complete the relevant NVB1 for your application

If the applicant is aged 16-18 years of age, a completed NVB 3 – Parent\Guardian Consent Form will be required –  NVB 3 Parent Guardian Consent Form

Please note that where the applicant is under 18 the electronic correspondence will issue to the Parent\Guardian. This being the case, the applicant must provide their Parent\Guardian Email address and contact details on this form and not their own email and contact number.